Trust Issue
Words and music by Carl Franklin
Click here for the Karaoke version

I remember in my 40's my sugar was high
I went to the doctor to find out why
She said I had to cut the fat and eat more grain
They're good for your body, your heart, and your brain
Three weeks later my head's in a fog
Back to the doctor sick as a dog
I said I did what you said every day
But now my sugar is higher than a bird of prey
She said it must be you! My science is good
You should walk every evening 'round your neighborhood
Hey hey doc, I don't mean to dis you
But now I got a big old trust issue
Trust Issue. With my good old doc
Trust Issue. When my friends all talk
Trust Issue. They don't tell you truth
The sky is green and the grass is blue
Thanksgiving dinner. My great uncle Pat
He said you eat too much, and that's why you're fat
You should cut down the calories. Do as I do
I lost 10 pounds, and you can too
Well, I forgot to mention he was thin as a rail
And that made me think he'd found the holy grail
So, I took his advice and I picked at my food
Two hours later I was in a foul mood
You call it hangry. I call it mad
I had to eat more to fix the feeling I had
Oh, warm apple pie, I could not resist you
And that is why I got a big trust issue
Trust Issue. With my great uncle Pat
Trust Issue. His advice made me fat
Trust Issue. He don't tell you the truth
The sky is green and the grass is blue
Trust Issue. With my good old doc
Trust Issue. When my friends all talk
Trust Issue. They don’t tell you truth
The sky is green and the grass is blue
So after taking their advice, and eating their foods
I started listening to the 2 keto dudes
The message was clear to put my mind at ease
Eat a low-carb diet for diabetes
It'll lower your sugar, lower your weight
Three months later I was feeling great
My A1C went from 9 to 5
I dropped 40 pounds and now I feel alive
The USDA gave me the wrong advice
You can't get healthy eating grains or rice
These are tears of joy. So pass me a tissue
Another big reason for a trust issue
Trust Issue. With the USDA
Trust Issue. Every word they say
Trust Issue. They don't know the truth
That the grass is green and the sky is blue
Trust Issue. With the ADA
Trust Issue. Every word they say
Trust Issue. They don't know the truth
That the grass is green and the sky is blue
Trust Issue. They don't know the truth
That the grass is green and the sky is blue